Strategic Planning Generates Enthusiasm For All
Strategic planning is a process that has many tangible elements such as a vision statement to specific unit goals. Yet, from my experiences as a business coach, strategic plan implementation continues to be an ongoing challenge.
One of the unstated qualities necessary for implementing a strategic plan is enthusiasm. Do your people embrace your strategic plan with enthusiasm or with dreaded thoughts like "this is a waste of time,"or "let's work on today's problems and not think about what hasn't happened," or "if the wheel ain't broke why fix it?
Enthusiasm is necessary, but this quality demonstrates the buy in from your people or what some may call "What't in it for me ( WIIFM )." Unless your people believe that there is something tangible for them, their attitudes as demonstrated through their behaviors may become critical obstacles to the success of your plan.
Another result of having enthusiasm is that teamwork is greatly increased. People are more willing to work with fellow team members who are happy compared to working with fellow employees who are unhappy. The more people work together positively, the greater opportunity for successful implementation of the strategic plan.
Enthusiasm will also increase customer loyalty. A recent report showed that the 68% of the customers who no longer frequent a business do so because of negative attitudes. Would you shop or do business with a bunch of grouches? I don't think so. So, why would your customers stay around if your people have bad attitudes?
Without enthusiasm, implementing a strategic plan is far more difficult. And remember, the executive team sets the tone. If you executive team is not on board with incredible enthusiasm, how can you expect more from your other employees?
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