How to Set Achievable - Challenging Business Goals
The main factors that cause a Small Business to become a Global force are contained within the Goals they set. Small Goals invite small effort. Big Goals inspire a much higher level of performance. Big Goals inspire miracles.
In the early days when Bill Gates’ business was small, consisting of just a few people, he set a Goal to have his software on every computer in the world. Remember he started in his garage. Most people at that time would have thought it was not an “achievable” Goal. However, Bill Gates believed it was possible and was fiercely committed to making it happen.
It was his burning desire.
He was clear about his Goal and now he is one of the richest men in the world, donating Billions of dollars to charity and it’s hard to imagine a world without his products and vision.
Within every small business lies the opportunity to become a giant, to become a global force. What makes a Goal “achievable” is whether or not you believe it is possible and your commitment to making it happen. Do you believe it and can you inspire the belief of the people around you and attract the support of others who can help make it happen.
The key to business growth is you MUST set challenging Goals that cause you to stretch. You must actively learn to think bigger, raise your game and expand your own mind and the minds of your team. You must make a concerted effort to stretch yourself every single day and train yourself to become a Goal Achieving machine.
The Goals you set for your business today will determine your Global Destiny tomorrow.
Here are the Ten Goal Setting Strategies for Small Business Success:
1. THIRST: You must have a burning desire for something, originating beyond mere hopes and ideas. You must have incentives, compelling dreams, a thirst, a hunger and desires that are so inspiring and motivating, they provide you and your team with enough internal drive to fuel you and keep you going when things don’t go as planned. The stronger your WHY, the more successful you will be. You must feel a magnetic pull towards something that is meaningful and significant to you. Your goals must inspire you and your team to perform at their best.
2. TARGETS: You must define the targets, the outcomes, the goals, the destinations clearly and in as much detail as you can. Use your imagination to visualize and experience the deep emotions of what it will feel like when your goal is achieved.
3. TASKS: Work backwards from your Targets and outcomes and map out the Tasks, activities and plan the Things you must do to advance towards your goal. A big goal is actually made up of several smaller goals or Tasks. Do the small Tasks and the big Goal WILL be realized.
4. TIME: It takes Time, a Timetable and effort to bring your dreams to life. It requires consistent, persistent, focused effort. Treat Time as a precious resource and invest it wisely. Create a Timetable and schedule your Tasks in your calendar, creating an action plan, broken down into small, manageable steps with a sequential order so that you know what will be done and when you will do it. As you create your Timetable, your goal becomes Tangible. Every Goal has it’s own gestation period. (for more on Time Management, review The Time Commandments!)
5. TEAM: Enlist a Team of Talented people in the form of coaches, partners, consultants, friends, family, Teachers, mentors, supporters, interns, employees, whatever it takes. The bigger the goal, the more outside support and contributors it will require. The Team you put together can make all the difference in the world. Surround yourself with positive people. When you are Taking Action and committed, people will be compelled to help you. Teamwork makes the dream work.
6. TENACITY: Be Tireless, persistent and unwavering in your commitment. Take 100% responsibility for the results you’re getting. Track your results and measure your progress. If you are not happy with your progress and results, take 100% responsibility for changing it. Adjust your plan or Timetable and Tap into your burning desire and act consistently every single day.
7. TRANSCEND: Transcend limitation. Courageously go beyond your comfort zone and propel yourself to new heights. Nothing is impossible and Growth only comes from going beyond and stretching yourself. Trust that anything you can envision and commit to, you can achieve.
8. TREASURE: Treasure the journey. Savor each moment you have been given. Savor the entire experience, the challenges, the growth and the lessons you encounter. Trust that they are there to Teach you and prepare you for future experiences. Trust that you are a vessel of infinite untapped potential. The more grateful you are, the more abundance you will attract.
9. TRIUMPH: Success! Your actions have resulted in the successful realization of your goal! You have followed through on your plan, reached the goal you envisioned, so celebrate your growth and accomplishments! Take time to revel in your achievements.
10. TITHE: Share your blessings with others. Give of your Time, Talents and pocketbook. Teach others your own unique expertise and be Thankful. Give encouragement, it’s free to give and priceless to those who receive it. Contribution to others will enrich your life in ways you cannot imagine. Support others in their journey in any way you can. It will come back to you Ten fold. Touch as many people as you can and leave a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime.
The secret to growth is to set bigger Goals that scare you and inspire you to stretch.
Big, Bold Goals inspire Big, Bold action and create Big, Bold Results!
So take a look at your Goals. Will they lead you and your Business to the kind of future you envision?
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
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